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Studies, Assessments & Plans

Customized strategies that pave the way for success.

Whether you’re preparing for your next campaign, the next five years, or even next month, Cramer & Associates will develop a plan that will sustain your organization and advance your mission.

Feasibility Study

Let us work with you to refine your proposed campaign or project with feedback from your community. We’ll develop a plan to engage your board, volunteers, staff, and donors and unite them to make your campaign dreams a reality.

Corporate Philanthropy Assessment & Plan

Our corporate philanthropy assessment will lay the groundwork for a plan that aligns your company’s goals, mission, and culture with your charitable giving priorities, establishing your unique philanthropic identity. With the right approach, your for-profit business can be a powerful force for good in your community.

Strategic Plan

We will guide your organization as you set major goals for the next three+ years and develop a plan to accomplish them. Your strategic plan will be based on the insights of those who know your nonprofit best, giving you a customized map for the journey ahead.

Master Plan

Let us help you create a comprehensive vision for the next ten to twenty years that will inspire your staff, donors, and volunteers. Your master plan will be your north star, covering all aspects of your organization—programming, fundraising, social enterprise, staffing, facilities, and beyond.

Development Plan

We will craft strategies to make your fundraising efforts more powerful by assessing your organization’s structure, programs, and communications. Fundraising is the engine that propels your organization, and our development plan will help that engine run at peak efficiency to create long-term sustainability.

Philanthropic Communications Planning

Our team will create a plan to increase awareness of your organization and generate gifts to sustain your mission. This plan will outline your goals, tactics, messages, and audiences to break down silos, aligning your communications and fundraising strategies for maximum effectiveness.

More Services


Achieve your goals, increase your impact, and inspire your community.

Board & Leadership Development

Develop the skills that will guide and sustain your organization.

Case Studies

Columbus Zoo and Aquarium

Columbus Zoo and Aquarium

Services Provided

Pickaway County Fairgrounds Groundbreaking

Pickaway County Fairgrounds

Services Provided

Community Shelter Board

Community Shelter Board

Services Provided

What’s New On the Blog

Generosity is Alive and Well: Embracing the Spirit of Philanthropy on Giving Tuesday

In this season of giving, let’s remember that generosity is not just a trend, but a timeless force that binds...
Giving USA 2024

Giving USA 2024 At-A-Glance

According to Giving USA 2024: The Annual Report on Philanthropy for the Year 2023, total estimated charitable giving reached $557.16...

Boost Your Fundraising Success with Three Key Takeaways from AFP ICON 2024

Last month, President & CEO Michelle Cramer, CFRE and Consultant Maddy Andrews jetted off to Toronto, Canada for AFP ICON...

10 Questions Your Nonprofit’s Campaign Marketing Plan Needs to Answer

A successful capital or comprehensive campaign balances effective fundraising strategies with effective marketing strategies. Nonprofits that perform this balancing act...

A Marketing Plan is the Secret to Campaign Success

You know you need a strong fundraising plan for your next campaign. But what about a campaign marketing plan? We...

UCLA Vs. Mattel: A Case Study in Donor Intent and Effective Donor Communications

As a nonprofit professional operating in the philanthropic world, this headline may have caught your eye recently: Mattel stiffed UCLA...

Contact Us

Learn more about how our studies, assessments and plans can help make your dreams a reality. Contact us today.
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