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Pivot Plan™ Developed to Support Nonprofits Disrupted by COVID-19
Cramer News

Renowned nonprofit consulting firm launches integrated program to guide nonprofits through an organization-wide shift addressing mission fulfillment, fundraising and financial challenges head-on


The coronavirus pandemic has created massive disruptions across the nonprofit sector across the nation. In response, trusted Ohio nonprofit consulting firm, Cramer & Associates, has developed an innovative new program to help nonprofits reposition their strategy in the changing fundraising and donor world.

According to a Charity Navigator survey of nonprofits, 80% of nonprofits say they’re experiencing financial challenges due to the pandemic, and 60% say they’ve been forced to cut services. COVID-19 has led to cancellations of major fundraisers and gatherings, creating a new challenge for organizations that rely on donations, special events, government grants, and other charitable support.

“These are tough times, and nonprofit organizations need real solutions – right now,” said Michelle Cramer, CFRE, President and CEO, Cramer & Associates. “The Cramer team has developed a process, the Pivot Plan™, to help the nonprofit community move forward with re-energized vision and purpose. The Pivot Plan provides a fully-integrated roadmap to help nonprofits reposition their strategies and establish mission-driven goals during times of disruption.”

The Pivot Plan revolves around five “pivot gears” at the heart of every nonprofit, including leadership, programs and services, finance, fundraising, and marketing and communications. At the core of the plan is the understanding that each of these gears must work together to develop a path forward during any type of crisis.


The program is not a long-term approach to planning, but a swift strike designed to be executed in less than one week. Through an engaging webinar led by the Cramer team, participants will learn the Pivot Plan process and gain the tools necessary to implement it at their organization.

“It’s important to know that this is not a one-size-fits-all solution – the Pivot Plan was developed to meet the unique needs of organizations of every size, and from a variety of charitable subsectors,” said Cramer.


Leading an organization out of disruption requires aligned, cohesive thinking by leadership teams; clear and concise direction; and strong tactical approaches. The Pivot Plan helps nonprofits shape that mindset by breaking down siloes to identify innovative new approaches to mission fulfillment.

To learn more about the Pivot Plan program, view upcoming webinar trainings and tools.

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